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  • Summer School ‘Law in Russia: National Aspects’ Held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod

Summer School ‘Law in Russia: National Aspects’ Held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod

The Summer School ‘Law in Russia: National Aspects’ was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod on July 17-28. Students from HSE Nizhny Novgorod and the Southwest University of Political Science and Law (Chongqing, China) took part in the event. For two weeks the international participants studied the basics of Russian language, law, and management.

A rich cultural programme was prepared for the students: the participants of the summer school visited Vladimir, Suzdal, Gorodets, Semenov, and got to know more about the sights of Nizhny Novgorod.

‘We are glad that the students of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law are interested in our school. This year 11 students came to our university to learn more about Russian culture, law and language. I hope that this good tradition will be further developed’, says Olga Berzin, Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure.

‘The Russian- Chinese summer school, which is regularly organized at HSE Nizhny Novgorod, is a great experience not only for international participants, but also for HSE students. Students get the opportunity to learn a lot about a new culture, to practice their English and Chinese as well as to make new friends!’ says Evgeniia Riabinina, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law.

Wang  Yalan, student of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law

‘Russia is a very beautiful country! I would like to spend more time here. Most of all I liked the blue sky and clean air! I am interested in Russian culture, and I think that the people here are very kind to us, especially our teachers and volunteers! I want to thank them for that!’

He Meiyu, student of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law

‘Students and teachers of the Higher School of Economics are very enthusiastic and speak good English! In Nizhny Novgorod, I especially liked the architecture and friendly people, who are always ready to help!’

Feng Milin, student of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law

‘I think that people in Russia are very kind and friendly. I feel comfortable here, and I would like to come here again.’

Anastasia Dubrovskaya, 1st-year student of the Faculty of Law, HSE Nizhny Novgorod

‘It’s the fourth time I’ve taken part in the Russian-Chinese summer school, and each time I learn something new, I develop my skills and meet new people. This year a lot of students from different parts of China came to the school, but all they share one thing - they study at the same university. I have spent a year at that university, and it brings back a lot of pleasant memories, therefore I was glad to talk to these students, some of whom I knew already, and I showed them our beautiful city. The students really liked staying here; I think they will miss local life and our delicious, healthy food. I hope to see them again!’

Zhanna Shabanova, 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Law, HSE Nizhny Novgorod

‘The Russian-Chinese school is a great opportunity to learn a lot of interesting and shared things about culture and education in Russia and China, to share our knowledge of Russian with Chinese students and make new friends. I was Assistant to the Teacher of Russian language and I'm very glad that after the classes organized with my help many students decided to continue studying Russian in China. I hope that next year I will also participate in this summer school and be able to go to China to study Chinese culture, history and law.’

See also:

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