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Kemal Kivanc Akoz to speak on 'Search in a Non-exclusive Online Matching Platform'


Alexander Rostovtsev-Popiel to speak on 'Suppletion and Selective Restrictions in the Kartvelian Verb'


of students who do not study in their hometown plan on returning home after graduation. This information comes from research by Professor Elena Varshavskaya of the HSE’s Department of Human Resources Management and Olga Choudinovskikh, Director of the HSE’s Centre for Migration Policy. The report is titled ‘Migration Plans for Graduates of Russia’s Regional Universities.’

The Ideal Woman Differs from the Ideal Wife

Fewer Russians associate relationships between men and women with marriage, and gender roles are moving away from those of husband and wife. Russians still perceive 'the ideal man' and 'the ideal husband' as similar types – the common denominator being the roles of breadwinner and protector. In contrast, ‘the ideal woman' and 'the ideal wife' are two entirely different types. The former must be good-looking above all, while the latter is expected to be loyal, loving, and a good homemaker, according to Yulia Lezhnina, Associate Professor at the HSE's Subdepartment of Socio-Economic Systems and Social Policy.

'Decorations for the Future': Dresden - Moscow

Professor of the HSE School of Design in the Faculty of Сommunications, Media and Design Ulyana Aristova and senior lecturer Tatiana Avvakumova represented Russia at the international conference Decoratia in Futura at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts.

Russian Youth Infected With Conspicuous Consumption

Buying name-brand goods and services boosts the majority of younger Russians’ self-esteem, allowing them to maintain their reputation, gain respect, and demonstrate their family’s material wealth, according to research conducted by  Natalia Shaidakova  of HSE Nizhny Novgorod’s Department of Marketing.


of Russians believe that the ideal family is like a ‘psychological comfort zone’ that joins an attractive, smart and confident woman who does not have bad habits with a smart man who is able to provide for the family.

Seventy Percent of Russians Not Interested in Museums

Access to cultural heritage, including museums, is guaranteed under numerous international and domestic Russian documents, but certain disadvantaged groups are unable to exercise this right in practice, according to the report 'Access to Russian Museums: Internal and External Factors' by Tatyana Abankina, Director of the HSE’s Centre for Applied Economic Research.


of students in conventional schools and universities age 15 to 30 are prone to ‘conspicuous consumption’, i.e., buying the most expensive items.

25 years

is the average age that Russian women give birth to their first child.

Russian Statistics Unhelpful in Predicting Future

Russian statistics are scarce, inaccurate, ormissing – and therefore misleading, rather than helpful. Their limited temporal depth makes any reliable long-term projections of the country's socio-economic development impossible, according to the report 'Russian Statistics: What Do They Preserve for History?' by Vladimir Bessonov, Head of the HSE’s Laboratory for Research in Inflation and Growth.

HSE Professors on How to Protect Spaceships

At the end of July, Professor Andrey Tyutnev of HSE’s Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics  (MIEM) became the only Russian presenter at the13th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference organized in California under the auspices of NASA. Professor Tyutnev presented two reports prepared with colleagues from the Higher School of Economics and the Lavochkin Research and Production Association.