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Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room S305
SPIN-RSCI: 6423-4920
ORCID: 0000-0001-7043-577X
ResearcherID: Q-9475-2016
Scopus AuthorID: 57223164373
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I. Voskoboynikov
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Ksenia Bobyleva

  • Ksenia Bobyleva has been at HSE University since 2017.


  • 2022

    Doctoral programme
    HSE University

  • 2012

    Samara State University of Economics, Economic Theory and International Economic Relations

  • 2010

    Samara State University of Economics, Economic Theory and International Economic Relations

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

  • External Relations skill enhancement program (Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "External Relations", 2016)
  • Training Program for Foreign Economic Affairs ( "Realization of Russia's national interests in the WTO, challenges and ways to improve trade relations", 2014 .; "Fundamentals of foreign economic activity under WTO specifics", 2013)
  • Linguistic courses (Advanced level General English, Oxford English Academy certificate, 2013)
  • Program for the Study of the financial markets ( "Fundamentals of functioning of the Russian stock market", 2012 .; "Analysis of the financial markets and the sale of financial assets", 2008)
  • Further training in the field of analytical ( "Analyst of investment projects", 2011)

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Economics (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)

Courses (2019/2020)



  • 2022
    XXIII Ясинская (Апрельская) международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Дефлятирование инвестиций и динамика основного капитала в России и оценка вклада ИКТ и нематериальных активов в долгосрочный экономический рост
  • BRICS Postgraduates Forum 2022 (Сан-Паулу). Presentation: The contribution of intangible assets to the growth of the Russian economy. Сomparative BRICS perspective
  • 2021
    XXII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Contribution of intangible assets to the growth of the Russian manufacturing and service sectors in a comparative perspective
  • Six World KLEMS Conference. Presentation: The contribution of intangible assets to the growth of sectors of the Russian economy?
  • 2020
    XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Session A-52. Economics of Income and Wealth (organized collaboration with International Association for Research in Income and Wealth with the support of Federal State Statistic Service) (Москва). Presentation: The contribution of intangible assets to the growth of sectors of the Russian economy or what innovations are active?
  • IV Российский экономический конгресс (РЭК-2020) (Москва). Presentation: Contribution of intangible assets to the growth of sectors of the Russian economy
  • 2019
    XX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Низкий вклад нематериальных активов в рост российской экономики: отставание от развитых экономик или проблема измерения?
  • Special IARIW-HSE Conference 'Experiences and Challenges in Measuring Income and Wealth in CIS Countries and Eastern Europe (Москва). Presentation: The Contribution of Intangible Assets to the Long-Term Growth of the Russian Economy
  • The Fifth Asian KLEMS Conference Tsinghua University “Growth and Productivity Challenges in Asia and China from a Global Perspective” (Пекин). Presentation: The Contribution of Intangible Assets to the Long-Term Growth of the Russian Economy
  • 2018
    XIX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Нематериальные активы и долгосрочный рост российской экономики с 1995 года
  • 2012
    Проблемы развития экономики и предпринимательства (Иркутск). Presentation: Теоретические основы международного разделения труда: от истоков к современности

Employment history

  • 2015 - pr.t.: Head of International cooperation planning and analysis division of                                      International cooperation department of Federal service for intellectual                                property (Rospatent)
  • 2011 - 2015: Department of foreign economic activity of the Ministry for Economic                                  Development, Investments and Trade of Samara Region

Timetable for today

Full timetable

"Investment deflation and the dynamics of fixed capital in Russia and the assessment of the contribution of ICT and intangible assets to long-term economic growth", a report by Ksenia Bobyleva at HSE University’s 23rd Yasin International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (formerly known as the April Conference).

As part of the 23rd Yasin Conference, Ksenia Bobyleva presented at session A-5-4 on Measuring Economic Growth. Investment in ICT capital and intangible assets are a significant growth factor in the knowledge economy. 

“The Contribution of Intangible Assets to Economic Growth: How do Estimates Change When Moving from the 1993 SNA to the 2008 SNA?” preprint publication

Ksenia Bobyleva's preprint was published in the WP2 series "Quantitative Analysis in Economics". The paper compares estimates of the contribution of intangible assets to growth within the 1993 SNA and the 2008 SNA. Estimates are made using the KLEMS databases. Data for European countries in the period 1995–2009 the use of the 1993 SNA and the 2008 SNA are compared, as are data for Russia and European countries in the period 2004–2016 using the 2008 SNA.

Reports from members of the Russia KLEMS group at the XXII April Conference

On April 14, at the A-14-4 session “Productivity, growth and human capital”, organized jointly by HSE University and the International Association for the Study of Income and Well-being (together with the section "Social Policy"), Ksenia Bobyleva and Anton Tolokonnikov presented their reports.

Anton Tolokonnikov presented his research on "Industrial Policy and Intersectoral Interactions in the Russian Economy". The paper examines the role of state policy in the Russian economy. The state, trying to eliminate market failures with its policies, often worsens resource allocation and harms the economy. However, government policies can have a positive effect on resource allocation, for example, by subsidizing some businesses and industries. How to stimulate economic growth by changing the sectoral structure of subsidies? The study assessed public policy for the Russian economy as a whole, and not for individual firms. 

Ksenia Bobyleva's study is the first to compare the contribution of various types of intangible assets to the growth of the Russian economy and the economies of OECD countries.In Russia and the OECD, the contribution of R&D is higher in the manufacturing sector compared to market services. Intangible assets not related to R&D (for example, organizational capital, advertising) dominate in the services sector.In contrast to OECD economies, in the Russian economy, the contribution of intangible assets in market services is significantly higher than in the manufacturing sector. The contribution of intangible assets of market services to the aggregate growth of intangible assets in Russia is 0.19 p.p., which is six times higher than their contribution in manufacturing. In the OECD, this difference is not so noticeable.

Expert Center staff present reports at the 6th World KLEMS conference

The World KLEMS initiative brings together representatives from different countries and organizations who develop indicators of cross-country economic performance comparisons at the level of individual industries and conduct research based on these. On March 9 to 17, 2021, the 6th World KLEMS Conference was held in a virtual format for the first time.The conference addressed issues of the global productivity slowdown, the post-pandemic growth outlook, and the measurement of growth and productivity in the context of new economic activities and globalization. Projects from countries and groups of countries included in the World KLEMS Initiative—Asia KLEMS, EU KLEMS, and LA KLEMS—were widely presented. A separate section was devoted to the EU KLEMS project, including Russia and Eastern Europe.

Presentation of the HSE report based on Russia KLEMS data

The presentation was held on May 29, featuring IlyaVoskoboynikov, Eduard Baranov, Ksenia Bobyleva, Rostislav Kapelyushnikov, Dmitri Piontkovski, Anton Tolokonnikov, Alexander Roskin.
The report was presented by Ilya Voskoboynikov (HSE University), the discussion was led by Alexandr Shirov (IEF RAS), and the presentation was moderated by Evsey Gurvich (EEG)

Reports of the Russia KLEMS group at the session " Economics of income and wealth"

The session was held at HSE University at the XXI April Conference in cooperation with the International Association for Income and Wealth Research (IARIW) and with the support of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).

Seminar “Intangible Assets and Information and Communication Capital”

On March 17, this seminar was held online. In today's economy, intangible assets surround us and their role cannot be overlooked. What is the quantitative assessment of the contribution of intangible assets to economic growth? Studies in a number of developed economies show that the share of intangible assets in GDP is significant. The return on intangible assets is comparable to the contribution of traditional capital

Report at Asian KLEMS 2019 Conference

Ilya Voskoboynikov and Ksenia Bobyleva presented their reports at the Asian KLEMS 2019 conference, which was held at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Systemic Contribution of Intangible Assets to Long-term Growth of the Russian Economy

The report “The Systemic Contribution of Intangible Assets to the Long-term Growth of the Russian Economy” was presented by its author, Ksenia Bobyleva, at the international conference “Experiences and challenges in the study of income and well-being in Eastern Europe and the CIS”.